He is going to a Montessori school. I feel really lucky to have found a Montessori charter school so I don't have to pay for it. I actually don't know that much about Montessori, at least less than I thought. But I am really excited to learn more as the year goes on.

(scooping, pouring, and pinching)
William seemed really excited to see all the fun things he would get to do at school each day. He liked the outdoor learning areas. I think William will do really well with this style of learning and class room setting.

(He really likes puzzles and shapes)
What I really like about this school so far:
- They sent a letter home saying that they will be teaching the kids about healthy eating and asked that parents not send sugary treats, candy, and drinks to school and if you do they would send them back home. This was a worry of mine sending William to school, because I try and have my kids eat healthy and I didn't want him coming home telling me all the other kids have fruit snacks in their lunch everyday and whining at me to do it, cause I'm not going to.
- The only things they asked to have them bring to school was an extra set of cloths, a bag of some sort, and a lunch every day. I love that the keep it simple.
William has not had any complaints, he loves it and all the friends he has made.
I was worried about Gracie and how she would do with him being gone all the time. She has mentioned it a few times, but I think she also likes it. Her personality has really been magnified since she has been the only one home. I am really glad for this time I have with just her before baby 3 comes into the picture. For example we are sitting on the couch together watching Robin Hood and laughing at out favorite parts. Later we will run errands and that is sooo much easier with just Gracie and I. She does wear a back pack around the house every now and then, but that is just cute.
So school really is cool.
Glad it's going so well.
I thought those shelves looked familiar! You are going to LOVE Montessori!
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