William really wanted to dress up like Santa so Russ cut our some circles and pinned them on his shirt and had him put a belt on over it. It satisfied him but he only wore it for a few minutes.

Here he is saying HO HO HO!

If you are wondering what it is that is wrapped around this present I will tell you. I found a bag of multicolored spiraled crocheted thingy's and I had no idea what they were for but bought them anyway because I thought they were cool. I was putting some away one day and walking past the Christmas tree to do and and decided to see what it would look like if I tied one on. Well it turns out I didn't even have to tie they just hook together. They were easy for the kids to get off and dang cute I think. I am excited about my new wrapping bow discovery.

The kids are getting to open their one present before bed. I made the mistake of telling William he got to do this a day or so before Christmas eve and that is all I heard about all day. I decided also that I should prep him that they would probably be new jammies and he was not very excited about that but then I showed him his Grinch book and said, "is Christmas about presents?" He said, "no" and from that moment on he had a great attitude about getting new jammies.

His was open in 2 seconds. And Gracie took her time.

This picture was taken right as he dropped his new Grinch Jammies.

William trying so hard not to help Gracie open her present. She would just tear a piece off and set it down. It was killing William, but she did not care. She would NOT be helped.

Excited about her new Santa jammies.

She was running around the room with her new jammies and then got distracted by my moms Christmas sweater.

We then asked the kids to hug in front of the Christmas tree

and since this was the best picture I could get I asked them to do it again and this is the reaction I got from Gracie

Our little family in front of the tree.

After a yummy dinner of Roast Beast we headed out for the temple lights.

I love that everyone is looking a different direction in this picture.

All in their jammies and ready for bed.

We set out doughnuts and chocolate milk for Santa.

They went to bed fairly easily and went right to sleep. No playing around, Russ and I were very surprised. Russ and I didn't stay up too late, 12 or 1, wrapping up and I was finishing up some gifts. It was a beautiful night.
Your kids are just so stinkin cute!
I love your new top blog picture. Green is your color, Debbie.
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