Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I love my girl!

So this little sweet heart is so great. The night before last she slept from 10:00pm to 6:00am - ate - and then went back to sleep! Thats right, 8 hours! Last night she slept from 8pm 'til 2am then went back to sleep 'til 5:30. Then she slep until 7:30. She is so good and I feel great since I am getting the sleep I need.
We still have not gotten her to smile yet, but we are working hard.


Anonymous said...

What a great sleeper!! You are so lucky!! I think that the bigger they are the better they sleep. Hence Harper not sleeping more than 7 hours until she was 5 1/2 months old. I have that fact seared in my memory. That and at 8.5 months she started sleeping 10+. Enough about me, Gracie is beautiful and her and William together are so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Look at those cheeks she is getting so big (when I say big I mean fat). I think that is a really cute picture.

Tia said...

So for Tim to say you have a cute baby, thats big and she is absolutely beautiful! I am so glad your getting more sleep - it's essential to our survival! By the way I should have taken pictures for you at Enrichment you really had some great stuff!

Jacie said...

I wish Rand would sleep that much. Last night he slept four hours in a row, which is the longest he has slept at once without eating since birth!

Breea said...

Debbie, she is addorable and so are you. Love that picture, even without a baby smile. Your mom came and got Utah fruit, so you better make a visit to her house soon.

Jennie Carter said...

Ahhh sleep...there's nothing like a good night filled with it. By the time the baby comes I'm already going to be so sleep deprived...I hope I get a good sleeper like Gracie!! I won't count on it!

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