Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Eve

William really wanted to dress up like Santa so Russ cut our some circles and pinned them on his shirt and had him put a belt on over it. It satisfied him but he only wore it for a few minutes. Here he is saying HO HO HO!
If you are wondering what it is that is wrapped around this present I will tell you. I found a bag of multicolored spiraled crocheted thingy's and I had no idea what they were for but bought them anyway because I thought they were cool. I was putting some away one day and walking past the Christmas tree to do and and decided to see what it would look like if I tied one on. Well it turns out I didn't even have to tie they just hook together. They were easy for the kids to get off and dang cute I think. I am excited about my new wrapping bow discovery.

The kids are getting to open their one present before bed. I made the mistake of telling William he got to do this a day or so before Christmas eve and that is all I heard about all day. I decided also that I should prep him that they would probably be new jammies and he was not very excited about that but then I showed him his Grinch book and said, "is Christmas about presents?" He said, "no" and from that moment on he had a great attitude about getting new jammies. His was open in 2 seconds. And Gracie took her time.

This picture was taken right as he dropped his new Grinch Jammies.

William trying so hard not to help Gracie open her present. She would just tear a piece off and set it down. It was killing William, but she did not care. She would NOT be helped. Excited about her new Santa jammies.
She was running around the room with her new jammies and then got distracted by my moms Christmas sweater.
We then asked the kids to hug in front of the Christmas tree
and since this was the best picture I could get I asked them to do it again and this is the reaction I got from Gracie

Our little family in front of the tree.
After a yummy dinner of Roast Beast we headed out for the temple lights.

I love that everyone is looking a different direction in this picture. All in their jammies and ready for bed.
We set out doughnuts and chocolate milk for Santa. They went to bed fairly easily and went right to sleep. No playing around, Russ and I were very surprised. Russ and I didn't stay up too late, 12 or 1, wrapping up and I was finishing up some gifts. It was a beautiful night.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cookie Making

Our good friends the Allen's invited us to go over to their house and make cookies. That was good because I had thought it would be fun to make cookies with my kids but also knew I wouldn't. Samantha also saved me by letting me go to the post office while the kids played. The post office is never fun with children but less fun at Christmas time.

Here is Gracie rolling out her dough...
...and then eating it.Here is Emma sneaking a bite.

Good times!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


My wonderful mother watched our children while we were at the work party and then the next day she helped me get some of my christmas projects done. What would I do without her. I came into the sewing room to find the kids doing this...

I am just glad no one was hurt. They sure love to rough house.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Oh the weather outside

A few days back it rained for a few minutes.
They had fun sharing the umbrella.

And when Russ and I were talking and not paying attention they ditched the umbrella and stuck their heads under the freezing water coming down off the roof.

I watched long enough to take a picture of each of them doing it and then promptly made them come inside and get in a warm bath and then we had hot chocolate.

Twas the week before Christmas

A week before Christmas was Russ work party and we were was excited to go. It really is nice that we like all his co-workers so much. It started out with dinner at the Euro Cafe and all I have to say is I love their feta dressing. Way good.
Here is Russ and Austin checking out his goat shrimp (I think that is what it is called). Massive shrimp wrapped in bacon. So of course Russ had to try it.Then we went over to the boss' house and did a white elephant gift exchange. Russ was lucky enough to score this outfit.He was such a good sport to try it on for everyone.

And I was lucky enough to get the same exact shirt! Although it is not what I ended up with.
Isn't it great?
(We gave it to Connie for Christmas, because we all know Russ and I are team Jacob;)
It was a way fun evening and I forgot to get the camera out while everyone played gestures. That would have been awesome. Russ and I won a TomTom and a small air compressor. Now William can ride a bike without flat tires! It was a seriously fun night and I am already looking forward to next year.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I love reminders of the past

That is what I was watching Steve Nash do last night and every time he got the ball I thought of this video. Man, William was (and is) such a cute kid! A patient at Russ' work gave him 4 tickets to the Suns game last night. We took our friends Doug and Rachel and had a really great time. And for those of you who know how much I dislike sports and are wondering why I had a good time, it is because the only sport I really like is basketball and I only really like to watch it live. So it was great.

Now back to getting ready for Christmas and arguing with William about why he can't open his presents yet. Just one more day kid!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Moon

I can't believe I am just posting this now! I (because of my awesome mother) was able to see New Moon opening night and Russ came with me! He wanted to...because he wants to watch anything, but also because he is the best husband. Here we are waiting for the movie to start and he is watching Juno on my sisters ipod. And I was sewing, that is a needle in my mouth.
A wolf even showed up!
But seriously the movie was awesome. I loved it. And I love that my husband will enjoy stuff like that with me. And I love that my friend was able to sit there all day so we could have awesome seats. It was a great night.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Best buddies

Here are some pictures of the kids at our Ward Christmas party. A family did a program of Christmas around the world and the kids loved it.
This is Noah. One of William's best little buddies. I guess Gracie's too because once when she saw him at church she smiled and said, "my Noah".

We are a little behind

December 12th we finally got a Christmas tree.We had been busy and just never found a time to do it, but I decided we had to go get one that day (even though I was sick with sore throat and fever) or it would get to be Christmas and we would not even have a tree.William picked out the perfect one!

William helping carry it into the house;)

Gracie was pretty cute putting the ornaments on. She would just shove them into a branch until they stayed. Hands clasped in excitement. I don't have a good picture of the tree yet, but it really is beautiful and I really love having a real one. Next year I hope we get the time to drive up north a little and cut down one of our own.
I am a little behind on everything this year. Especially blogging, but I have to try and get some done before Christmas because things only look like they will pick up in January. All fun stuff, though, so I am really excited.

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