Monday, October 11, 2010


After going to the baseball game Friday night (lots of walking) and the basement sale (posted about here) my feet grew a couple of sizes.

That finger print would hold there for quite awhile.

Luckily after sitting down with my feet up all night and part of the next day they shrunk back down to a reasonable size.


Lindsey and Brett said...

I am so glad you posted these pictures. Hilarious! I'm also glad that they went back down to a reasonable size :)

Unknown said...

I can't remember if I even posted to you that I was pregnant, too, but it has been really "fun" to see you go through the same miseries I have had :) what we have to endure for our precious babies!
I don't know about you, but I am so ready to have this baby!!! Good luck to you and I can't wait to meet the lucky boy that gets to sleep in such an awesome corner! you are quite talented, my dear!

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